As a yoga teacher, the ability to offer safe and effective hands-on assists is a powerful tool that can significantly enhance your students' practice. Assists not only help students achieve proper alignment and deepen their poses but also foster a deeper connection between teacher and student. Mastering the art of assists requires understanding foundational techniques that prioritise safety while also being transformative. Here’s a guide to help you offer assists that are both effective and respectful.
1. Prioritise Safety with Clear Communication
Before initiating any hands-on assist, it's essential to communicate clearly with your students. Establishing consent and discussing their comfort levels ensures that your assists are welcomed and appropriate. Here’s how to prioritise safety:
Ask for Permission: Always ask if it's okay to touch your student before initiating an assist. Some students may be sensitive or have specific preferences.
Use Verbal Cues: Provide clear verbal cues about the assist you are about to offer. This prepares the student and gives them the opportunity to adjust or decline if needed.
Observe Body Language: Pay attention to the student’s body language and non-verbal cues. If they seem uncomfortable or hesitant, be prepared to adjust or withdraw your assist.
2. Master the Fundamentals of Alignment
Proper alignment is the cornerstone of effective assists. Ensuring that your students are aligned correctly not only enhances the benefits of their practice but also minimises the risk of injury. Key techniques include:
Align with Purpose: Focus on aligning key body parts with the intended pose. For example, in Downward Dog, align the shoulders with the wrists and the hips with the heels.
Support the Foundation: Start by stabilising the base of the pose. For instance, in Warrior II, ensure that the feet and legs are properly aligned before offering assistance with the torso or arms.
Check for Symmetry: Ensure that the assist promotes symmetry in the pose. This helps balance the student’s body and supports overall alignment.
3. Employ the 4 S’s Method for Effective Assists
The 4 S’s Method—Stop, Stabilise, Space, Steady—offers a structured approach to hands-on assists:
Stop: Begin by observing and assessing the student’s pose. Identify areas where an assist could enhance their alignment or comfort.
Stabilise: Gently help the student find a stable and grounded position. For instance, assist them in rooting down through their feet or hands to create a strong foundation.
Space: Create space within the pose by guiding the student into a deeper stretch or more optimal alignment. This might involve gently pressing or adjusting to help them find more room in their body.
Steady: Guide the student out of the pose safely and mindfully, ensuring they transition smoothly and maintain the benefits of the assist.
4. Cultivate Sensitivity and Awareness
The effectiveness of an assist is greatly enhanced by your ability to tune into the student’s needs. Developing sensitivity and awareness involves:
Listening to Feedback: Encourage students to provide feedback about how the assist feels. This helps you adjust your approach and improve your technique.
Practicing Mindfulness: Approach each assist with mindfulness and respect. Your touch should be gentle and supportive, reflecting your intention to enhance their practice.
Adapting to Individual Needs: Each student is unique, so be prepared to modify your assists based on their individual body mechanics and comfort levels.
5. Enhance Your Assisting Skills with Continuous Learning
Becoming proficient in hands-on assists requires ongoing learning and practice. Consider the following to continuously improve your skills:
Attend Workshops and Trainings: Participate in specialised workshops and trainings that focus on hands-on assists to refine your techniques and learn new approaches.
Practice with Peers: Practice assisting with fellow teachers or in a training environment to gain experience and receive constructive feedback.
Reflect and Adapt: Regularly reflect on your assisting experiences and be open to adapting your methods based on what you learn from each session.
Mastering the art of safe and effective hands-on assists is a journey that enhances both your teaching and your students' experience. By prioritising safety, mastering alignment techniques, employing the 4 S’s Method, cultivating sensitivity, and committing to continuous learning, you can offer assists that are both transformative and respectful. As you refine your skills, you’ll boost your confidence and effectiveness, ultimately enriching your students' practice and deepening the impact of your teaching.
Ready to TAKE YOUR assists to the next level?
Explore our Hands-On Assists Training to dive deeper into these techniques and enhance your teaching practice.