The Art of Assists for Yoga Teachers

20 HR Yoga In Person Teacher Training with Amy McDonald

EMPOWER your students & ELEVATE your teaching, through the magic of touch

26 & 27 OCTOBER 2024 / LONDON



Have you ever felt the amazing power of hands on assists?

How receiving a great adjustment from your teacher can literally transform how you experience the practice, physically, emotionally & mentally?


Feeling confident to support your students with this powerful layer. Deepening your understanding and experience to be able to offer a deeper support and transformation for your students.

⚡ Feeling confident and empowered every time you step onto the mat as a teacher. 

Your students responding to your skilful assists with new found enthusiasm, as they experience a deeper connection to their practice. 

Seamlessly and confidently weaving adjustments into your teaching, transforming your classes into a space of multi layered support, growth and transformation.

Navigating the world of hands-on assists can be daunting, especially when you're unsure about timing, techniques, the sensitivity of touch. You might wonder how to adapt to various body types, injuries, or even manage your own energy while assisting.

The Art of Assists for Yoga Teachers 20HR Training is tailored to help you overcome these challenges and unlock the incredible potential of hands-on assists in your classes.

This training has been designed to address these challenges head-on.



"I received so much more than I expected from this training. It was thoughtfully designed and packed with valuable, easy-to-understand information. Amy's teaching was not only energetic but also deeply rooted in experience. What stood out most for me was the interactive and practical nature of the sessions. After the weekend, I feel more confident and ready to support my community with hands-on assists."

- Nina Panesar-Woods


When I came out of my first teacher training and then was starting to train in hands on assists with Jivamukti Yoga 8 years ago, I felt uncertain and hesitant too, it didn’t come naturally for me to put my hands on my students…

Touching your students can feel alien at first, but let me assure you, it's a journey worth embarking on.


 I recall vividly when I first started assisting… It felt like uncharted territory, yet today, hands on assists have become one of the most valuable tool in my teaching toolbox. Being able to offer hands on assists has not only elevated how I teach but has been instrumental in nurturing a loyal base of private clients who've trusted me for over 5 years.

Having held hands-on assist trainings for the last 5 years and worked with hundreds of teachers, I've witnessed the transformational power these techniques bring to both teachers and students.


"My biggest takeaway from the training was the importance of consistent practice. It requires a lot of energy, but the results are absolutely worth it, as it can truly enhance someone’s experience. The program material was fantastic—practical and hands-on, which was exactly what I needed. My main concern was building confidence in offering hands-on assists, and the ample practice over the weekend significantly boosted my confidence. I also appreciated the opportunity to work with different body types. If I had to sum up the training in one word, it would be 'Inspiring'—it has motivated me to bring something new to my teaching and to start teaching with confidence after recently completing my YTT."

- Sarah House

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The Art of Assists for Yoga Teachers will guide you through a 2 day practical journey so you can immediately & confidently integrate these techniques into your teaching to benefit both you & your students

Through methods of both technique and practical experience, you will develop your understanding of the body, practice biomechanics, your own practice, assist energetics and you will grow your confidence and knowledge in assisting your students. 


Throughout this comprehensive weekend training, we'll delve into the core aspects of hands-on assists. You'll explore a wide range of topics, including…

✔️Practical exploration of hands on assists for sun salutations, standing postures, seated postures, backbends, twists, inversions and savasana.

✔️ We dive into the intricacies of timing, foundational stability, and adapting to different bodies and injuries.

✔️ You will learn how to offer adjustments with confidence, how to use breath to enhance depth and stability, and uncovering the subtleties of touch — helping you to cultivate a unique assisting style. 

✔️ You will learn how to build inclusive relationships based on creating and holding safe spaces, and master the balance between assisting and teaching.

✔️ Gain insights into managing your energy, creating a protective barrier, and offering assists with private clients.

Once completing the course here is what is possible…

🖐️ You will watch your students flourish and connect with their practice on a deeper level, all because you’re integrating this extra supportive layer into your teachings. 

🖐️ Your confidence will grow as you navigate assists seamlessly, making every class a canvas for deep support and transformation.

🖐️ You will be part of a supportive community of teachers, supporting each other and helping in each other's growth as you integrate these new skills together. 

🖐️ Not only will you be benefiting your students in so many ways you will also gain insight into your own body and practice. 

This training isn't just watching or listening to learn — It's a hands-on journey. You'll practise assists on fellow teachers, receive constructive feedback, and experience the assists first hand in your own body which is as important as giving them so you are able to intuitively deliver. 


teachers results & feedback…

“My biggest surprise of the training was the connections I made with all the other teachers. I came away from the course feeling so blessed to be part of such a kind and supportive community. My favourite part of the training was the energy management section which was so great and such a great addition to the material and I really enjoyed it. It really goes hand in hand with the hands on assists and I feel like I have left the course feeling well-rounded as a teacher.”

– Alice Bowen


“Amy created such a comfortable, open environment in which I felt really supported and encouraged to learn and try things out. I was surprised that I felt confident to do them by the end, even though it was a relatively short course and I hadn't done them before. I thought the course was brilliant. It was a good amount of time, the content was really comprehensive and you created a supportive atmosphere for learning”

– Naomi Robertson


“By the end of the weekend I felt confident with most adjustments. It was brilliant that we learnt about the importance of confidence when adjusting.. also the importance of grounding ourselves first and how not to injure myself when adjusting others regularly. I loved practicing adjusting and being adjusted!”

– Lyndsay Kenwright


“If I could sum up the course in one word it would be ENGAGING. Amy is incredibly professional and balances joy of yoga and teaching with discipline and delivery of information really well. The biggest things I gained from the training are that there is more than one way, to trust your instincts and I gained confidence. After the training I feel surprisingly good. I knew the longer I left it the more nervous I would be so I have assisted in all of my classes since and in a workshop that my colleague was running on inversions!”

– Holly Templeton-Robinson


"My biggest takeaways from the course were the confidence to start incorporating assists immediately and the valuable insights on energy management. Amy’s energy and warmth made the experience truly special. Her passion for teaching was incredible, and she created a secure space where I felt completely at ease. The course was thoughtfully executed, and I’m grateful to have found Amy just in time. The camaraderie with the other teachers was an added bonus—we laughed, learned, and connected beautifully. I gained so much more than I expected. Amy, you are amazing!"

- Shilpi Gupta


 This is your opportunity to take your teaching to the next level by up skilling and emerging as a confident hands-on assist practitioner. Join us for this 20HR training, where we'll navigate this together and usher you into a place of feeling clear and confident to support and elevate your students yoga journey with this invaluable tool.  

Over this weekend you will embark on a journey in reshaping your teaching toolbox to be able to offer multi layered support and elevate your students' experience. Enrol now and step into a weekend with us that promises to up level the way you’re teaching, connecting, and empowering your students.


26-27 October 2024, 10.00am - 6.00pm

Arts Ed

14 Bath Rd, Turnham Green, London W4 1LY

(Just 5 mins walk from Turnham Green Station)



(Early bird discount - £30 discount if booked before 9th Sept 2024)

Secure your spot today and learn how to implement hands-on assists into your teaching in just one weekend! 🙌🧘‍♀️🔥

If you have any questions please email Amy HERE.