As a seasoned yoga teacher, mentor, and coach with over 10 years of teaching experience, I understand the challenges that come with incorporating hands-on assists into your teaching practice.

I remember how surprised I was at how uncomfortable I felt touching others at the beginning of my hands on assists journey. Maybe you can relate? And this is so normal because in today's day and age we are quite separate in terms of touching each other apart from those close to us. Having come through the pandemic and with a lot of us being more and more immersed in the digital world, separation is becoming the norm and therefore we need connection and touch more than ever!!  

Offering hands on assists in your teaching can offer so much value to your student's experience. It’s not for everyone, but as a teacher, creating a safe space in which your students feel held and supported, we can use this hands on support another layer in which you can help to elevate your students practise and experience. 

Having completed over 1000 hours of yoga teacher training, have taught 100’s of classes, teach teachers on teacher trainings, and have mentored and coached teachers for the past 7 years, I have gone through my own confidence hurdles and learned invaluable lessons along the way. One of my primary yoga teacher training experiences was with Jivamukti Yoga, where I extensively studied and practised hands-on assists. Its from this place and from integrating this into my teachings for the last 7 years working with 1000’s of students and having trained 100’s of teachers in hands on assists, I share four essential tips that will help you get started, helping you to build confidence and refine your hands-on assists. So let’s dive in…

1. Practice, Practice, Practice:

Integrating hands-on assists into your teaching can be daunting, especially when you're getting started with this. However, like any skill, practice makes progress. I encourage you to practise with other teachers as much as possible. By doing so, you not only gain valuable experience but also receive feedback from your peers. Additionally, you could set up assist swaps where you take turns assisting each other. This allows you to feel the assist in your own body, providing you with a deeper understanding of its impact and effectiveness. As you accumulate more practice, you will naturally develop a sense of confidence and intuitive touch, enhancing your ability to connect and to support your students on a deeper level.

2. Get Consent:

Creating a safe space and respecting your students' boundaries and comfort is of utmost importance when it comes to hands-on assists. Before offering any assistance, ensure you have obtained clear consent. You can use consent cards or ask students to wave a hand or leg in a private space, such as downward-facing dog or child's pose, indicating their willingness to receive assists.

For new students, take extra care to explain the nature of hands-on assists and ask for their permission before proceeding. By establishing a foundation of trust and respect, you create a safe and nurturing environment for your students to explore their practice.

3. Start Simple:

When first incorporating hands-on assists into your teaching, it's best to start with techniques that you feel confident with. Choose three assists that align with your comfort level and integrate them into your classes. As you become more at ease with these assists, gradually expand your repertoire by incorporating three more, and so on. This gradual approach allows you to build your confidence and expertise over time. By focusing on a few well-executed assists, you ensure that your students receive quality guidance and support, which will foster trust in your teaching.

4. Tap into Your Own Practice:

Assisting your students should feel like a graceful dance, requiring you to be grounded, stable, and intuitive. One way to enhance your ability to support your students is by investing in your own practice. Regularly attending yoga classes and engaging in a personal practice will not only strengthen and flex your body but also cultivate a deeper sense of intuition. By understanding how the practice feels in your own body, you can better relate to your students' experiences and offer appropriate, mindful assists.

Building confidence with hands-on assists is a transformative journey that requires dedication, practice, and a compassionate approach. As a mentor and coach, I have witnessed so many teachers evolve and blossom in their assist techniques, enriching the lives of their students along the way.

Remember that learning is continuous, and each assist is an opportunity to refine your craft and deepen your connection with your students. If you're wanting to add this valuable layer to your teaching toolbox, I invite you to join me this October 2023 for my 20HR Hands-On Assist Training in London.

Together, we will delve into a weekend of practical learning of hands-on assists. Over the weekend you will be learning specific techniques that you can apply immediately and lots of practice, practicing on other teachers and having them practice on you will mean that you will walk away having embodied the teachings. For more information and booking details, here is the link If you have any questions reach out and dont hesitate to email me on info@amymcdonaldyoga.co.uk.

Amy McDonald