I know what it’s like to be where you are right now...

out of your teacher training, inspired but feeling like you don’t know where to start? Lacking the support you need to develop your teaching, confidence and yoga biz? Wanting the confidence to step into the teaching space, to show up and to share and serve your students with ease but stuck listening to your inner critic and held back by imposter syndrome?

I know that you’re ready to step out of limiting self belief so you are able to show up and teach with CONFIDENCE, so that you no longer have to worry about saying no and missing out on opportunities that come up.  


  • Being able to get clear on your vision and what success means to you as a teacher.

  • To be able to step up and teach with confidence.

  • To be clear on what you're inspired to share. 

  • Knowing how to use your voice to empower and inspire your students. 

The 5 day Empowered Yoga Teacher Bootcamp

Will guide you on a journey that will help you master your mindset to boost your confidence, help you to clarify your message, help you to shape and tap into your voice to empower and inspire your community while teaching you a step-by-step frame work on how you can take your teaching to the next level.

Day 1.
Your success road map

Clarify your vision and what success looks like to you for your teaching journey.

Day 2.
Discover how you can master your mindset

Master your mindset to boost your confidence.

Day 3.
Cultivate and find your authentic voice & message

Get clear on what you’re inspired to share.

Day 4.
Cueing dialogue and cultivating the language of a teacher

How can you use language to empower and inspire your students & a LIVE teachers practice.

Day 5.
The three pillars you need to focus on to take your teaching to the next level

Steps to show up stronger and more confidently, to level up your teaching skills and career.

Each day you will receive an email with workbook to support the masterclass of the day & there will be a private facebook group to connect in a safe container of support to other teachers in the same boat as you, where we will also meet daily live for group coaching and Q&A.

There will be a prize draw for those that show up and get involved!!

The Empowered Yoga Teacher Challenge is for you if…

  • You’re ready to let go of feeling overwhelmed, like you don’t know where to start in your teaching journey as you get clear on your vision and goals moving forward.

  • You’re sick of being held back by lack of confidence and imposter syndrome and ready to learn how you can show up as the most inspiring authentic version of yourself.

  • You want to let go of feeling repetitive and unoriginal in your delivery and ready to build a repertoire of language that empowers and inspires your students. 

  • You’re ready to say goodbye to doing this alone and ready to be a part of a group of inspiring yoga teachers that are working towards leveling up professionally and personally. 

  • You’re ready to fast track your progress with your teaching skills, confidence and setting up a sustainable abundant yoga career. 

The Empowered Yoga Teacher Bootcamp
is a safe container of support and community to help peel back the layers and give you the confidence to
level up and shine.

JOIN US for this fun and supportive 5 day mini training.
Starts April 10 - 14, 2023


Amy McDonald